Four GloCal Fellows Attend an Implementation Workshop in Accra, Ghana

February 27, 2024
Group photo of the attendees of the implementation science workshop in Accra, Ghana.

Three GloCal fellows and one GloCal Fulbright-Fogarty fellow joined other current Fogarty LAUNCH fellows in attending an implementation science workshop in Accra, Ghana from Feb. 19-22.

The workshop – whose goal was to assist fellows in developing a potentially fundable implementation science project -- was organized by GloCal’s sister LAUNCH program, the Northern Pacific Global Health (NPGH) Research Program, and co-led by NPGH and University of Ghana faculty.

GloCal participants included Archana Verma from India, Judith Ssemasaazi from Uganda, Willybroad Massawe from Tanzania and Fulbright-Fogarty fellow Veena Bhagavathi who is based in Ghana this year.

GloCal Attendees - Archana Verma, Veena Bhagavathi, Judith Ssemasaazi, and Willbroad Massawe.
Implementation science workshop in progress.